Turkey Vultures are Even Better Adapted than Black Vultures discusses the similarities and differences between the two types of vultures, and explains some of their special adaptations that allow them to eat carrion.
The Southern Dewberry Looks Like and Tastes as Good as Blackberries
Southern Dewberry Looks and Tastes as Good as Blackberries introduces the Southern dewberry plant, flowers, and fruit and compares them with their close family member the blackberry.
The Beautiful Florida Giant Katydid Look Like a Leaf talks about this large, green flying and jumping nocturnal insect in the wild, and when kept in captivity as a pet. Learn all about it at www.whatnext10.com
How to Take Great Nature Photos: Use Shapes discusses different types of shapes and how they contribute to the composition of a photo. It also suggests several ways to practice using shapes to get comfortable with them.
Florida Cattle Are Big Business and Good for the Environment
Florida Cattle Are Big Business and Good for the Environment discusses the importance of cattle ranches in Florida. It also tells a bit of the history of cattle here, and ends by explaining why cattle ranches are good for the environment.
St. Patrick’s Day is Loads of Fun, So Let’s Celebrate! gives a very brief history of the holiday and adds an artistically rendered photograph. Entire post is available at www.whatnext10.com
The Beautiful Polyphemus Moth has an Interesting, Unusual Lifecycle discusses the lifecycle of this large, impressive moth and emphasizes how it differs from other moths. Read it all at www.whatnext10.com
The Beauty of the Wildflowers is Going Wild! shares several images of the wildflowers that blooming everywhere during the early spring in central Florida.
How To Take Great Nature Photos: Understand Patterns tells the reader about several types of patterns that can be used artistically to take powerful and beautiful nature photos. It also tells readers about several ways to practice using patterns in their photos.
Lyreleaf Sage is Beautiful, Easy to Grow, and Very Useful tells the reader about this gorgeous spring bloomer that is very versatile, hardy, edible, and has medicinal uses.
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