Fly, Bee Fly Like most pollinators, bee flies (Poecilanthrax lucifer) are very hard workers and much of their work as...
The Colorful Young Cardinals are Really Sticking Around
Preening in the Mist This year’s batch of young cardinals (Cardinalis cardinalis) have been unusually stubborn about moving away from...
Dove Strut It seems like it’s been forever since I wrote a post! It’s actually only been about a week,...
Palamedes Butterflies are a Big Fall Sensation
Palamedes Below One of the largest butterflies that are commonly seen around here in the summer and fall season are...
Wonderful Fall Has Arrived at Last
Flatwoods in Fall Yesterday was the first day of astronomic fall, although meteorological fall started on September 1. Fall means...
Bee Flies are Really Great for Gardens
Hang Out We have several types of bee flies here in Florida and many of them don’t have common names....
The Fiery Skipper is a Brightly Colorful Fall Butterfly
Fiery Glow Celestial fall begins this weekend, and although we are still more or less having summer temperatures, we are...
Say What?! This year’s bunch of young cardinals (Cardinalis cardinalis) haven’t left yet despite Poppa’s efforts to get them to...
Lunar Eclipse Last night, as many of you probably know, there was a partial eclipse of the full harvest moon....
Pipevine Flowers For several years now I have had a healthy growth of pipevine (Aristolochia littoralis) growing along the fence...
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