It’s Been a Little While Since I Created One of These Colorful Works
More Petals Crossed Today I decided I wanted to do something colorful, so I found this photo of a tickseed...
Dee Esler is a practicing veterinarian and avid lover of all things animal and nature. She has a long background and educational history dealing with animals. She also works as an amateur photographer and graphic artist in her off hours, and is expanding that portion of her life.
More Petals Crossed Today I decided I wanted to do something colorful, so I found this photo of a tickseed...
Time with Mom A week ago, after work, I decided to make a trip to Manatee Springs State Park. I...
Profile of a Green Anole Anoles are one of my favorite creatures, and I’m especially fond of the green anoles...
Dinner for the Kids If you’ve been following my blog much this year, you’ve certainly seen some of the photos...
Wheel of Myrtle A little while back we had a morning where the rain came down steadily for several hours,...
On a Wing and a Flower Last weekend I spent some time hiking around Watermelon Pond before visiting with my...
Snap Recently I have been adding some freeze dried mealworms to my feeding station each day. I did it to...
A Flip of the Wing Sandhill cranes (Antigone canadensis) are fairly common wading birds in north central Florida (as well...
Clean Feet Most of us tend to think of insects are dirty, germ infested animals that have very little intelligence....
Two Mourning Doves This beautiful pair of mourning doves (Zenaida macroura) have decided to nest near my house. I have...
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