Bee Flies are Really Great for Gardens
Hang Out We have several types of bee flies here in Florida and many of them don’t have common names....
Dee Esler is a practicing veterinarian and avid lover of all things animal and nature. She has a long background and educational history dealing with animals. She also works as an amateur photographer and graphic artist in her off hours, and is expanding that portion of her life.
Hang Out We have several types of bee flies here in Florida and many of them don’t have common names....
Fiery Glow Celestial fall begins this weekend, and although we are still more or less having summer temperatures, we are...
Say What?! This year’s bunch of young cardinals (Cardinalis cardinalis) haven’t left yet despite Poppa’s efforts to get them to...
Lunar Eclipse Last night, as many of you probably know, there was a partial eclipse of the full harvest moon....
Pipevine Flowers For several years now I have had a healthy growth of pipevine (Aristolochia littoralis) growing along the fence...
Bumbledore I couldn’t resist the name on the first photo because, yes, I am a Harry Potter nerd. And although...
Great Grasp Since Hurricane Debby came through and dropped a bunch of rain on us, the fall wildflowers have been...
Total Determination Most of our wading birds here in Florida have one of two hunting styles. Some, like roseate spoonbills...
Fall in Flight Fall is either here or just around the corner depending on whether you consider it beginning on...
A lot of artists give studio tours, both in person and on social media, and more than one person has...
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