Interesting Woodpeckers are Well Known for Stashing Food
Winter Stash I’ve always had a real interest in animals behavior (hence the Master’s degree in the subject), so I...
Dee Esler is a practicing veterinarian and avid lover of all things animal and nature. She has a long background and educational history dealing with animals. She also works as an amateur photographer and graphic artist in her off hours, and is expanding that portion of her life.
Winter Stash I’ve always had a real interest in animals behavior (hence the Master’s degree in the subject), so I...
Crescent and Bee Last week on my way home I discovered a beautiful climbing aster bush on the banks of...
Amid the Oak Fall is the time of year that all wildlife is preparing for the cooler weather of winter....
Buzzing Asters Climbing asters (Ampelaster carolinianus) have got to be one of my favorite fall flowers. First and foremost, they’re...
Probing I think I will always enjoy watching wading birds feed. There are so many different styles among the various...
An Afternoon in the Sun A bright red bird sits in the garden, Quietly enjoying the afternoon sun. Well hidden...
Autumn Bulltongue This morning, I was up and about earlier than usual, since I had to go to work for...
The Colors of Fall in Florida It’s been fall for a while, and in some parts of the United States...
A Wren in a Tree Recently, I’ve been wanting to try something a little different with the birds that I...
Autumn Irredesence Every once in a while you run into nature’s beauty in the most unusual places. I found a...
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