Another Unusual Florida Curiosity: An Albino Palmetto Bug

I frequently write about all of the great things that I love about living in the Florida woods, but there are a few disadvantages, too. One of those is cockroaches. Cockroaches are found in much of the world, but they are especially common in the tropics and the subtropics. In Florida we have several types including one of our very own (actually, we can find them in the West Indies, too), called the Florida wood cockroach or palmetto bug (Eurycotes floridana). I like most living things, but I’m not very fond of cockroaches. I begrudgingly let them alone outside, but if they get inside, and the cats don’t get them, I do kill them. A couple weeks ago, I went outside to the dog house at night and on the window screen I noticed a white insect. At first, I thought it was a moth, but when I looked more closely, I discovered this albino palmetto bug. I have seen (and photographed) the green Cuban cockroaches, but I had never seen an albino roach before. It’s hard to tell from the photo, but the eyes were even red. It was outside, so I left it alone, but I have to admit that I probably would have caught it and put it outside like I do with most of the insects I find indoors had it been inside.
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