Autumn Colors are Interesting in the Spring, Too

Generally when we think about falling leaves and the colors that are often associated with leaves as they die we think about the autumn season. But fallen colorful leaves don’t always happen only in the fall. Viburnum is considered an evergreen since it’s leaves stay on the plant and remain green throughout the winter. When spring comes many of the older leaves begin to die and fall from the plant as the new spring growth comes in. One afternoon we had some wind come through in front of some rain. When I got home there were quite a few of these beautiful, colorful leaves down in the driveway (I have viburnum planted all along the drive). I picked out some of the more interesting and colorful ones and took some photos of them on several different backgrounds with various colors and textures. By far my favorites were the ones on the black leather case of my tablet. The black background made a really nice contrast with the red and yellow leaves and I have always loved the texture of leather. The texture of the leather compliments the texture of the leaves themselves.
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