The Tufted Titmouse is a Small, but Interesting Songbird

One of my most common backyard birds, is the little tufted titmouse (Baeolophus bicolor). They are small, even by songbird standards, but they usually arrive in a small noisy flock that announces itself as it flies into the area. Sometimes pairs of the birds stick close together, but most often they split up to eat, groom, and explore once they have settled in an area. But once individuals start to leave, the whole group usually follows. Even though they’re small, they are often quite brazen and will stand up to larger bullies, but they also tend to always be keeping an eye out for danger. At the first sign of danger the whole group tends to take off. This particular bird had just finished eating some sort of seed and had a great perch overlooking the whole clearing where the group was hanging out. It seemed quite content to sit quietly and keep an eye out for a bit. As is usual for this species, though, it didn’t stay put for too long before it flew down into the grass and grabbed another seed. It headed into a different group of trees with this treat, and I wasn’t able to follow it. Rather than try and then disturb the rest of the group, I just headed on my way, too.
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