Here is My Latest Piece of Hand Drawn Artwork

It has taken me quite awhile, but I have finally finished my latest drawing. I don’t get time to draw every day, and I usually like to put something away for a few days and then revisit it before I move on anyhow. I find that sometimes when I look at something with fresh eyes, I find things that need improvement or that I thought I liked, but I really don’t. This drawing is based on a photo that I took in 2023 of a swallowtailed kite (Elanoides forficatus) that was perched in a dead tree near where I live. It wasn’t a great photo. I took it on my iPhone and I didn’t have the telephoto lens with me (I learned from that day to always carry all my gear). I’ve never come across a perched swallowtailed kite before or since, although I see them flying all the time. Given that, even though it wasn’t a good shot, I’m glad I got it and it was good enough to create a drawing with, so I’m also glad about that. Please, let me know what you think. I really do value your feedback.
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