Bull Thistle is a Beautiful Plant with a Big Bite

Bull thistle or purple thistle (Cirsium horridulum) is a very common plant in central Florida. This time of the year it’s pretty much a flat, bristly plant that stays low to the ground. Sometimes in tall grass it’s hard to see, and it’s definitely not something you want to step on in bare feet. In the spring, though it grows long stalks that produce large pinkish yellow, fluffy flowers that can be very pretty. I have always liked the looks of this plant with the long spines and sharp looking leaf edges with reddish borders. I also like the way it grows out from the center in kind of a whirlpool pattern. I’ve meant on many occasions to take a photo of the center of this plant, but have always gotten distracted by something else. Now with autumn in full swing, and a lot fewer flowers and insects around it seemed like an ideal time to actually do it. Let me know what you think!
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