Here’s Hoping that Everyone has a Most Spectacular Halloween!

Hello everyone! It’s Halloween and I hope that all of you are having a spectacular day. No matter how you decide to honor this holiday, I hope that you have an awesome time and stay safe. And even if you don’t celebrate Halloween per se, you can still use this day to laud the autumn season.

Last year on Halloween, this blog was in its very early days, and I really hadn’t given any thought to things like holidays posts, so I was completely unprepared. I chose to share a couple of moths that seemed appropriate. Now, a year later, I’m better prepared and am ready to share some true fall cheer. Now, I’m not a huge decorator. Between doing this and working full time plus it’s just too time consuming right now, but many of my neighbors like to decorate, so this year I’ve chosen to share a bit of that with you. Have a Happy Halloween, everybody!

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