Warmer Weather Leads to the Return of Beautiful Frogs

With warmer weather most days my frogs have been slowly waking from their long winters naps and showing themselves again. Some nights are still a little cool, at least by frog standards, but most days and especially the sunny ones my American bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus) is out sunning for at least part of the day. The little green tree frogs have also been showing up on the windows most evenings, too. In fact, the earliest frogs that I started seeing were two tiny little squirrel tree frogs that first turned up here after Hurricane Idalia. I was really glad to see them since they were so little. I was worried that it might get too cold for them to survive through the winter. The bullfrog was the next to turn up and since the pond water has warmed up, he’s out pretty much every day. And in case you’re wondering, the pond water is currently brown because we’ve had a couple of hard rains that wash tannins out of the overhanging oak trees. The tannins turn the water brown, but are otherwise harmless, and pretty common here in central Florida with our many varieties of oaks.
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