Every Year Has a Wonderful Story to Play Out

Today turned into a great day for wildflower photography. It was cool over night but warmed up to a perfect 72 degrees with only a few clouds in the sky. I couldn’t stay inside on such a beautiful day. A short drive around the area lead to finding quite a few gorgeous specimens including a nicely blooming eastern redbud tree (Cercis canadensis). Redbuds are usually one of the first spring flowers to show up, but this year they have been a little late. I have seen a few trees blooming, but they’ve all been in people’s yards and the flowers have been relatively sparse. Today, though, I found two trees, both covered in flowers, and still producing lots of buds. I’m not sure why the redbuds are later than usual this year, but every year is somewhat different from the previous ones. If each year was seen as a story, the plot in each one would vary, but they would always be interesting.
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