Carolina Chickadees are Active and Interesting Little Birds

The little Carolina chickadees (Poecile carolinensis) are year round residents to Florida and to my property. I get a lot of enjoyment watching them as they flit around from branch to branch in the trees or fly into the feeding station, grab a seed and fly off again. When they come out of the trees to eat they usually arrive in a small but relatively noisy group. Often, especially during the winter, they show up in mixed flocks with tufted titmice and sometimes other small song birds. The other morning I got up early, before sunrise to see if I could catch a meteor shower. As the sun was coming up, I heard this little chickadee singing. It took a little while for me to spot him and I managed to get this one shot of him before he headed back up into a tree and I lost him in the leaves. I find these guys difficult to photograph because their black cap covers most of their eye, making it hard to get good contrast between the feathers and the eye. They also tend not to stay in one place for very long, so finding them, focusing, and shooting can be hard. Therefore, I was really happy with how well this image turned out. I especially like the way the early sunlight highlighted the underside of the bird.
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