Beautiful Spring Flowers are Everywhere

Spring is most definitely here in Florida. The official beginning of spring isn’t for almost a week, but for the past couple of weeks our spring flowers have been popping up everywhere. There are beautiful patches of Drummond’s phlox lining our roadways now. They’ll get thicker before they begin to fade away, but already, you can’t miss them. There are also plenty of lyreleaf sage plants blooming now. I was taking some photos of one of them when I spotted these pretty prairie fleabane (Erigeron strigosus) flowers close by. These flowers are usually considered weeds, but they are quite attractive in my book. They also feed a lot of small insects, and now that spring and flowers are back, insects will be too (I’ve already seen quite a few clouded sulfurs and I’m beginning to see some other butterflies, too). This pair of flowers didn’t have any insects on them, but they sure made a beautiful pair with a very “spring” vibe.
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