Another First Flower for this Spring is a Beautiful Lyreleaf Sage

When I stopped yesterday to photograph the first Drummond’s phlox flowers I had seen this year, I also found a couple of small lyreleaf sage plants (Salvia lyrata) just starting to bloom, too. I’ve always enjoyed this pretty wildflower and it’s got a special place in my mind. I really love the purplish blue and white color and I also like the trumpet shaped flowers. But I also remember this as one of the first wildflowers that I got some really nice, tack sharp images of a few years back. As with this one, which was on the road into town, the first one was growing along the roadside. And also like with this one, I had stopped to get pictures of something else, and found the sage growing there, too. I remember that I had just gotten my first macro lens, and I was so excited to try it out. I was really pleased with some of the photos it helped me to produce (of course, there were plenty to discard, too). It was a little bit later in the year, but not much, when I took those first photos. Since then, I have learned so much and shot a lot more images, but that flower will always be somewhat special to me.

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