Here’s Yet Another Interesting Pollinator that Can be Found on Tickseeds

This summer Leavenworth’s tickseeds (Coreopsis leavenworthii) flowers are everywhere. They are always abundant during the summer, but there are more than usual this year. I have posted several insects that I have recently found in the tickseeds including two types of scoliid wasps, an assassin bug, and my favorite little moths, the spragueia moth. Along with those guys, another frequent visitor were the great golden digger wasps (Sphex ichneumoneus). The day I took most of these images, there were great golden digger wasps all over the place buzzing around throughout the flowers. This is just one of the many. Interestingly, great golden digger wasps are solitary wasps, and don’t generally hang around in groups except for breeding, but I guess all the nectar in those flowers was just too temping. I had such a great afternoon watching all the various insects flying in and out of the flowers and all managing to get along together. Maybe people should learn to share the way these insects did.

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