The American Crow is One Intelligent and Observant Bird

Along my drive in and out of our neighborhood, there is an area where there are several standing, but dead trees right along the road. Those trees are a great place to look for birds since the woodpeckers love them for feeding and nesting, and they provide a great observation post for other species. It’s not unusual to see at least one of a group of American crows (Corvus brachyrhynchos) that live in the area perched there. Sometimes the rest of the group is nearby feeding while a sentry looks out for predators. Other times it’s just a single bird (or two) that just seem to be watching the world around them. They seem to feel pretty safe up there and don’t mind it at all if I stop to take photos. I took this one earlier in the week on my way out one morning. None of the others seemed to be anywhere around, but this bird seemed to be very content just watching the morning unfold.
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