Here’s Hoping that Everyone had a Glowingly Wonderful Thanksgiving

It wasn’t intentional, but I ended up taking a short break for the Thanksgiving holiday. Here in the United States, the fourth Thursday of November is our Thanksgiving Day. It’s a national holiday and most of us are off work, spending time with friends and family and recounting the reasons that we have to be thankful. That was my intention, too, but it turned out that on Thursday I had a veterinary emergency. Some friends of mine were out in the woods for their holiday when someone accidentally stepped on an underground yellow jacket nest. The wasps came pouring out, attacking anything that moved. All four family members and ten dogs got stung multiple times. Most of them were a bit puffy and unhappy but one puppy started going into anaphylactic shock. With treatment he was fine, but in the course of treatment he made quite a mess of me!

Since I missed Thanksgiving dinner with the family, I decided to make a run down to my Mom’s home the following day. We feasted on leftovers and took a short trip out to the beach for the sunset. It was a very nice visit with her, but I was sorry I missed seeing my brother and his girlfriend. Sometimes life just gets in the way of the best laid plans. One of the things I’ve learned over the years is to try to roll with it and make the most of every day as it comes. I am definitely a Type A personality, so that doesn’t always come easily to me. It does make life easier, though, so I guess I’d have to say learning to do that is definitely one of the things I am thankful for. I hope all of you had a fantastic Thanksgiving.
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