Here is Another Example of Nature’s Beautiful Artwork

One of the reasons that I have always enjoyed nature is because of it’s endless beauty. I remember having my parents point out beautiful scenes to us when we were just little kids on many of our primitive camping trips. Not only was safety and convenience a consideration when trips were planned and campsites chosen, but aesthetics were, too. Not everything in nature is beautiful and certainly not everything that is beautiful is found in nature, but nature sure seems to have an awful lot of beauty. Sometimes that beauty is complex like the center of a perfect passion fruit flower. Other times, it can be quite simple, like these polished cypress tree stumps. Even though the beauty itself is pretty simple, the process to get there was not. All of the polishing was accomplished by years of winds and rains, blowing sands, and the current flowing against the hard wood. I found it absolutely mesmerizing and had to take some photos. I hope you enjoy the simple beauty of all of nature’s hard work.
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