The Next in the Tree Series is a Colorful Redbud

Florida springs are marked by warm weather and colorful flowers everywhere. Some of our flowers, like the Drummond’s phlox and the Carolina jessamine last a little while, but others have a very short blooming time. The eastern redbud tree is one of those with a very short flowering time. They are one of the earliest plants to start blooming, but their flowering time is just a couple of weeks. They are unusual in another aspect as well. The flowers start to come out on the branches left bare by winter. As the flowers begin to pass, the leaves begin to come out. Most of our redbuds were already loosing their beautiful pink flowers when I spotted this small tree that was pretty well covered in blooms. I had wanted a redbud in my tree series, but none of the ones I photographed last year had a lot of flowers this year, and they were definitely loosing the flowers that they did have, but this little tree was perfect! Of course, I had to stop for some pictures. It’s a lesson learned. Never give up on nature. Just when you think it won’t happen, it can!
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